Thursday, August 28, 2014

10 Things About Me

Though I was born and raised in Tuscaloosa, my parents originated from the Philippines.
As a result, their "Pinoy Pride" has rubbed off on me. Patriotism to any country helps to showcase an individual's passion.

Which means I frequently participate in the Filipino's favorite pastime of eating.

I also enjoy live music and going to music festivals. The props and lights of every performance help to highlight the artists and their music.

My friends and I are also known for our flow art (spinning poi, hula hoops, etc.). The fluidity of the flow arts varies with each artist and style, ranging from tranquil to chaotic and energetic.

Sometimes we spin with fire.

I also like to longboard whenever I have the time.
Though I enjoy film and working with cameras, I much prefer cartoons over live-action film or television.
I especially love the Avatar series. I loved the "shot dynamics" if the season finale and the way they showed all the action of each fight scene.

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